Typing bottleneck

July 1, 2023 4 min


Since I came back to Twitter, it constantly shows me the best and the worst of the internet nowadays. I feel like it's the place where important people talk first, but I don’t know exactly why. Maybe because of it's fast-paced nature and because it's the only place where text content is not losing to videos and pictures.

Anyway, I was scrolling through my feed the other day, and a guy was claiming that the biggest bottleneck in humanity nowadays is typing. He wrote that using a keyboard is the current practice that’s slowing things down. Even Elon Musk himself replied to that tweet saying "Neuralink”. He’s absolutely right. Both of them.

The way people are inputting information in systems is what slows them down. Because, if you think about other ways we could do it, you’ll realize that there's room for improvement. I think about it every day in my job, because there are a lot of situations where I find myself already knowing what I’m going to do next, but what takes time is clicking buttons and typing stuff, not actually thinking. So I could save a lot of time (and be a lot more productive) if I didn’t have to type and could instruct the computer trough another medium.


There are a few aspects before typing that really interfere in the time it takes you to execute stuff. One of them is the tech stack you're using. For example, in this episode of Lex's podcast, George Hotz (funny guy btw) is talking about how ChatGPT is good in creating boilerplate code and how people that work with languages that require a considerable amount of boilerplate would perceive it's value. I couldn't agree more.

I’m primarly Java developer, who's been working with Spring for more that 2 years now, and in the last few months I started a project where I'm learning/coding in a whole new stack. Trying this new toys made me realize how much time I waste to execute the same task with two different set of tools.

  • Job stack: Java + PostgreSQL + MongoDB + Docker

  • New project stack: Expo + TypeScript + TRPC + Prisma + Tailwind + Supabase

The productivity levels I can achieve with this stack are insane. This proves that the tooling really matters when we’re talking about productivity. But while this technologies are awesome, there's still the same limitation: my fingers.

My brain is faster than my fingers

In my humble opinion (which doesn't mean much, to be honest), it’s exactly in that room that we’re going to see some major developments in the near future. For example, companies like Humane are already creating some crazy products to change the way we interact with technology. I firmly believe that these guys are going to play a major role in how we input information into systems.


In the mid-long term, I can only see two possible scenarios (even though there's probably something I'm not seeing because of the lack of knowledge):

  • AR/VR
    Products like Apple's Vision Pro or Meta's Quest become really good after a few iterations and set a new paradigm on how we interact with these machines (maybe what Apple is calling spatial computing or something like that…)

  • Brain interfaces
    Products like Neuralink's implants will rise an become the new paradigm, even though this scenario will probably take longer)